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Dating now with mickeys1: 79 y/o male, Zodiac: Virgo from Genelle, Canada

confirmed profile image
  • 79 y/o male, Zodiac: Virgo
  • Genelle, Canada
  • English
  • without children
  • Last online: 6 April 2012
  • ID: 1000226007
  • Virgo
Private details and contact information
Personal details
Sex male
Children without children
Want children No
Height 6'2" - 6'3" (186-190cm)
Body type Average
Marital status Divorced
Smoker No
Drinker Rarely
Details of the person you are looking for
I look for a female
Looking for an age range 40-55
Looking for a height
Looking for a body type
Relationship Marriage
Online dating in Genelle, Canada
I am not a person to fool around or play games. I am interested in a serious
relationship with the right woman. However, I do not want to waste time or money in long term correspondence.
I don't know how anybody can fall in love corresponding. I have been doing this on occasion for over a year now and find that most people tend to lie. They tell me what they think I want to hear instead of who they really are.
So this is what I am looking for in a woman. I am looking for a lady who is comfortable in jeans as well as in a dress. A lady who enjoys hotdogs as well as caviar. I want a woman who likes to stay at home to watch a movie as well as
dress up for a night of theatre. A woman who is comfortable to sit in silence, and just enjoy my being there.
A lady who, if she wants a cup of coffee thinks of me to ask if I would like a cup with her. And I will think to do the same!
My dearest, I have lived all my life in a really fast lane. Life has been much fun, but now I am older, by myself and feeling lonely. I have no interest in life in the fast lane anymore. I have missed out on family life.
I love to go out for quiet romantic dinners. I don't like large, noisy crowds anymore - like at the discos or bars. When I go out with a friend, I want to be with just that friend. I like just that friend's attention. I do not want to yell to talk or have to compete with noise and alot of people.
I do a lot of traveling. When I travel, I do it in style. I like nice restaurants and not the bar scene.
Don't misunderstand, I still enjoy a drink or two, but I no longer smoke or drink like I did in my younger days
I did waste many days due to alcohol, and that is a shame. It was fun then but not now. Today, I enjoy the quality of life's joys, not the quantity. Like, for example, relaxing in a piano bar, having a few drinks in the company of a lady whose company I enjoy.
I have not had the pleasure of sharing my life with a woman and child. Most of all, I desire a life with a family, a lovely lady who desires a better life for herself and her children. I feel envy when I see others playing with their children because this is the one thing that I have never had, but really would like for myself.
Now, I do have a special family though. Two dogs and one cat!

In around 92 I was riding my motorcycle, at apparently a high speed (around 160 km/hour). I came around a bend, and hit loose gravel, my motorcycle went airborne, from where I left the ground, up to where I hit the side of a mountain, was 60 meters. Now it was a really good flight, but the landing was HELL. I broke both shoulders, my right rib cage, both hips, pelvis, knee, leg, and a bunch of other stuff. I spent quite a few years rehabilitating. They said I would never walk again, and definitely never ride a motorcycle again. In my mind, I knew that was bull, so I went to work in getting myself back to went to work to get it all out. I got down to my pelvis, where I had 13 screws in, and I found a doctor who was willing to take it out. So I knew if that was out, I'd be able to ride again. I bought a new motorcycle in Toronto, and had it all customized and painted up, spent around $50,000 on it. I went and had the operation in December, they found poison in me, and immediately sewed me back up. So when I woke up, I was so upset, I broke out of the hospital, because I knew as long as I had that steel in me, I would not be able to get my leg over the seat on my motorcycle, and I'd be scratching the paint job.
So a couple days after that I ended up in another car accident, where I broke my knee, again all my ribs from the seatbelt, got a concussion and whiplash. That was still in December. Well in January, I started putting pressure on my leg. I fell, because I guess I'd broken my hip as well, and didn't know about it because it was plastic. So anyway, that week I had three operations and a heart attack! In the middle of May I flew back to Toronto, to a wedding, where I had my new bike delivered to me. After the wedding; the next day, I rode across Canada, by myself, 4,000 kilometres. 1,500 of those kilometres was in freezing rain. Remember at that time, I would not be able to walk more than 200-300 feet, without the help of a cane. That didn't stop me from riding across Canada. I made it.

That following summer, I rode to Vancouver, which is 700 km. While I was down in Vancouver, at a bar, with a buddy, we got hungry and decided we should get some crab legs to eat. Neither one of us knew where we could find fresh crab legs. Someone suggested Alaska. So 5,000 km later, and 5 days. I was at home again. I did get my crab legs. I'm telling you all of this, because I want you to understand, riding across Canada was extremely important for me to do. I moved out to British Columbia, semi-retired to ride my motorcycle and buy a horse. Well that accident knocked the wind out of me, it was extremely important for me to make that trip by myself, to prove that I could do it.

Now the Alaska thing was one of those things that you always talk about, but never do. When it came up, I did it. I'm telling you all these things so you don't get the wrong idea of where I'm coming from. I estimate I've had approx. 150 broken bones in my life time. But I still wake up every morning with a smile on my face. Sometimes I'm in a lot of pain, but the way I look at it, the world does not owe me a living, so I have to make the best of what I have.

The broken bones left me with a lot of bad Arthritis so I went to the Ukraine and spent 30 days in a sanatorium there in Eupatoria-Crimea, for arthritis treatment. I could have sure used a friend over there, it was hell. Now the main problem was nobody spoke English, no nurses no taxi drivers, no restaurants, no Doctors, just old Mick (ha-ha). And I did spend 30 days there. I got to watch BBC News in English. I had a very nice place but I ate in my room because it was to frustrating (no one to speak English) and to lonely to eat in the dinning room. There really was no one there at that time of year. Now they tell me I have to go back in 6 months for 10 more treatments. I will not be going back with no interpreter this time. The year before I went to Kiev for 10 days then Odessa for 6 days. and not a problem great food, That is where I learned about the mud spas.

Do you like gardening? Spring of 2003 I decided to do my yard, I have three quarters of an acre of land that was not landscaped. I had never planted flowers, or trees or anything before. Again, I would not allow anyone to cut my grass, I had to do that myself. And by the way, there are no weeds in the lawn. I purchased a green house last year, now I went a little over board with the flowers. I have flowers everywhere in my yard.
The best thing I have going for me is that I live in a community ( ) where a large number of Russian Doukabour people immigrated to Canada over one hundred years ago. They observe their customs and continue to speak their language first over English. If we don't understand each other, we have allot of people who will understand you and help us to get to know each other better. There are approximately 15 thousand Russians in a 50 km radius. At least 5000 of these people can speak fluent Russian. I do not speak Russian and some friends say, I don't speak English that well either!
I live in the interior of British Columbia. It is all Mountains Lakes and Valleys It is quite beautiful. I am actually from Toronto, Ontario. That is 2500 miles away. It is a very big City. I came out West here to semi-retire and get away from the hassles of Big City life.

The reason I have chosen to search for a soul mate (or close lady) abroad is because I can't seem to find a woman with the qualities I desire here in North America. I want an honest and genuine lady. I am a giving man, and wish for a woman who feels the same. One who knows the value of giving and not just taking as all my ladies of past have seemed to be takers. North American woman seem to never be satisfied. I can give and give and they want even more.
I am prepared to be a husband. I have means to supply a roof over that special lady's head, food, nice clothes and so on.
I have watched a lot of TV and think that I can handle that job (smiling). I believe I would be exceptional at that.
Now my dearest, what are you prepared to do to contribute to make a relationship work?

Please forgive me for being so blunt, but after corresponding with ladies
for a year I want to get somewhere. I have gone from trying to find a soul
mate to finding a good friend. Maybe my expectations have been too high so
now I would like to start with finding a good friend.

I want you to know that I am not with out faults nor am I perfect.We live in different cultures and I am not certain if the following is okay to say to you.
1 I think you are very beautiful. I am not sure if that is good to say in the first letter. (This would be ok in north america)
2 I am a very big man - six foot two and 275 pounds A little heavy need to work on it (smiling). I have blue eyes, red hair and a beard. I am Scottish/Irish descent.
3 I have 2 large tattoos on my arms and wear alot of gold.I have been told this image is to be a bad guy or mafia in your country. In North America this is not unusual.

The good things I think I have about myself are:
4 I have a great sense of humour . I wake up in the morning very cheerful - happy and singing.
5 I am truthful, kind and affectionate.

Mickey and Family

PS. If I do not hear back from you I understand and good luck to you. Remember Dear I am not perfect but I am better than nothing and I have a good sense of humour.
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