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Dating now with Hukk: 89 y/o homme, Zodiaque: Bélier from shitehole, Jamaique

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  • 89 y/o homme, Zodiaque: Bélier
  • shitehole, Jamaique
  • espéranto(Courant), indonésien(Courant), afrikaans(Courant)
  • killer
  • sans enfants
  • Dernier en ligne: 20 janvier 2011
  • ID: 1000206946
  • Bélier
Private details and contact information
Détails personnels
Sexe homme
Enfants sans enfants
Veut des enfants Je vous le dirai plus tard
Taille 6'4" (191cm) ou plus haut
Silhouette Très Sensuel
Race Moyen-Orient
Religion Caodaisme
Status marital
Niveau d’études Département de justice
Revenu $70,000/ année and plus
Fumeur Très souvent
Buveur Très souvent
Détails de la personne que vous recherchez
Je recherche un femme
recherchant une catégorie d’age 18-37
Recherchant une taille de
Recherchant une silhouette Mince
Relation Partenaire d’activité, Pas régulier
Online dating in shitehole, Jamaique
I am a nice guy but with an edge that makes me very interesting in all ways both physically and mentally. I am a great supporter and listener and very much a man of heart. You I haven’t met you yet. But I listen to this song and the way it makes me feel, it makes me know you. And I hope that you like sucking my dck and i will lick your wet pussy till you come
Description de la personne idéale:
Women, I will teach you how to be the perfect woman in a relationship. Not just for me, but for every man. Stop listening to beta lower rank males and bitter, delusional feminists. Listen to an actual man and I’ll set you straight.Realize that men view things differently than women, and those differences in view are equally valid and worthy of respect. Don’t try to turn your man into a woman.Don’t try to make him resolve his problems like a woman. Don’t chastise him for not thinking or emoting or talking things to death like you. You don’t have to understand why he sees things so differently than you, but you do have to respect his differences as equally valid. Men are not inclined to talk in circles about every problem until they’re emotionally drained. Respect that. For you it’s cathartic, for us it’s hell. It doesn’t mean we respect the problem less than you do, it just means that what’s a therapeutic method for you is not necessarily one for us. 2. Respect and faith in abilities are more important to a man than love. This is the hardest for a woman to grasp, and it’s an ugly truth, but if you don’t grasp and accept this you’ll always have relationship problems. If men had to choose between feeling (a) loved yet disrespected and inadequate or (b) unloved but respected and competent, a vast majority would choose choice (b). To men, love without feelings of respect and adequacy from their partner is a more hellish fate than receiving no love at all. And if you don’t give them respect and a feeling of competence, they will seek that validation elsewhere. I don’t just mean from other women, although that’s likely. It can be from a hobby that they know they’re good at, it can be at the gym, it can be from sports, it can be from writing in his study, it can be from his male friends that make him feel like he’s a great guy…there are tons of places he may withdraw to to get the validation he feels he lacks from you. Which in turn may cause you to nag him for not paying enough attention to you. Which in turn may just drive him further into his alternative source of validation. And then you get a vicious cycle. Fuck his brains out. Self-explanatory.Respect his ambition. Women tend to be geared more toward security. We as men understand that. Men, however, have a need to conquer. To hunt. To compete. To master things. Modern society doesn’t give us that many avenues to exercise those needs any more except in our careers, which leads to a lot of frustration in the modern man. So unless your man is talking about taking some seriously foolish or dangerous risks, support him in his personal ambitions to the best of your ability,Make him think he can achieve his lofty goals, and let him know you’ll still love and respect him even if he tries and fails. A real man would rather try his best and fail than never try at all. Don’t let your looks go. Call it shallow, but men are programmed by nature to be visual creatures. We can’t help it. Just because you aren’t biologically and culturally programmed to value looks as much as we do doesn’t mean you should dismiss men’s preoccupation with looks as shallow and stupid. This is one of the easiest ways to keep your man happy, yet so many women foolishly underestimate and slack in this area.
“Have you ever taken the time to sit down and really and truly picture and imagine what it must be like to be an attractive and 'masculine’ man?”
Of course, the answer is always, “No.”
Men might act emotionally strong, indifferent, and even cold, but most men are surprisingly fragile emotionally. The thing is… it’s just not part of their more “masculine” make up to display or talk about these things much of the time and to avoid the opportunity they bring for connection and intimacy.
Instead, they often express their emotions in more symbolic and indirect ways… when it comes to dating and relationships, most women commonly misinterpret or react negatively to a man’s “natural” emotional displays.
Think about this…
Attractive men who are smart, handsome, and successful are flirted with and approached all the time.
These men have OPTIONS.
And some of the more “needy” and desperate women who try for their attention have no idea whatsoever what it takes to get an attractive man’s attention and KEEP IT.
And even if these women do date a guy for a while and things “seem” good, if a woman doesn't understand how things work for HIM, and how his feelings are triggered without all the neediness, emotional pleading, sexual enticements, etc., then there's no way the man's going stay attracted and interested for the long term.
It isn't “fair”, and it can just be awful, but if a woman doesn't understand how to create attraction, how a man's emotions open up and close off, and why… then a man just won't FEEL IT for her as time passes - even if the connection USED TO BE THERE.
Understanding this mindset… how it affects a man's personality… and (this is key) what kinds of “games” men play to diplomatically and politely excuse themselves or withdraw from any future commitment is HIGHLY important.
I know how frustrating it can be with what seems like so many “games” going on and so much to think about just for the simple feeling and sharing of love.
And isn't true love supposed to just “happen” and be free of all this?
Well… the thing is, once you start to understand more about a man's emotional world and how to help him tune into yours, it won't seem or feel like work to you at all.
You'll be able to get back into that “flow” where love IS shared and expressed easily… and you will both start to naturally understand and fulfill each other.
Instead of letting typical male “games” get to you, I'm going to teach you how to understand them so you can keep them from happening, and show you how to make them work FOR YOU if they do.
If there's one thing that attractive men seem to respond to universally, it's A WOMAN WHO GETS WHAT'S GOING ON EMOTIONALLY for herself AND for him.
THAT’S when a man will share his love with you.
Being a woman who already “gets” what an emotional connection is, you're way ahead of the game with a man.
Now you've got to learn exactly how to put that advantage to use in your love life for good.
It’s time to learn to see things in a completely different way… which will lead to you becoming almost MAGNETICALLY ATTRACTIVE to men for more than just a fling. Really. Your emotions and your ability and power to connect are your own set of “pre-wired tools”. All you need to do is start using them the right way… Once you realize that men often date constantly, know lots of different women, and have had several past relationships that didn't go well for them either, you begin to realize that THEY MUST START TO SEE PATTERNS in the way women behave around them… just like the patterns you recognize with men.
Here's a great question for you…
What do you think the most common pattern is that men see in women?
If you haven't already guessed it, it's the pattern of a woman trying to CONVINCE a man to make more of the relationship and change or feel something that they can't “control.”
LOTS of women do this and don't even know it.
But here's the worst part---how men RESPOND.
When women take on “convincing” or pleading behaviors, there's a common, frustrating, and destructive male response - WITHDRAWAL.
Let me paint a brief picture for you of the pattern men see and fear in this situation…
In the guy's mind, the withdrawal scenario usually goes something like…
“Whoa! When did this turn from fun into a ton of work? Things have been great, but now it feels “different” because she's unsatisfied and pushing on me to define our relationship…”
“And I HAVEN'T EVEN DECIDED what I want exactly, or what the heck it is that I'm feeling here…”
“And now that the easy chemistry and attraction we used to have has changed- I guess “the magic” is gone…”
“I guess I'll just skip all the trouble that I know from past experiences is about to come up and pull away.”
Well, guess what? Trying to convince a man to act a certain way or feel something with you is the best approach to use if you love spending all your nights alone cuddled up watching Oprah reruns in your PJs.
But seriously… If you recognize anything about these situations, then you know from experience that the more a man pulls away, the more you feel like you need to talk to him and show him what he's doing wrong that's driving you both apart.
And hey… I get it.
Men can sure be clueless idiots that actually do need help to notice the dumb things they're doing.
But unfortunately, here's where most women learn the WRONG LESSON about men… Because a man won't easily open up and stay connected, a woman will actually start trying to do all the communication and “work” for him. Sometimes women start to “fill in the blanks” and play “connect the dots” with all the past situations and conversations so that they can figure out exactly what's going on and why he's being totally unresponsive and withdrawn so they can fix it.
This hopeless strategy works for a few days or weeks, but only serves to make BOTH the man and the woman more frustrated in the long run.
There's a right way to go about it, and lots of wrong ways that will get you nowhere.
It's time to stop sending the signals and displaying behaviors that almost instantly bring up negative and predictable patterns men see and fear in women.
And yes, men could stand to grow up and deal with their own fears. But you can also help them and yourself out by learning the easily avoided male “triggers” and “buttons” that activate fears and issues most men have around women, love, and relationships. It’s VITAL that you avoid these common “danger buttons” and to connect with a man in a way that naturally leads him to seek intimacy and sharing with you, instead of the isolation and withdrawal that other women have unknowingly encouraged in him. Now let me ask you this…
What would your love life be like if you KNEW, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that you could identify and attract a truly great guy?
What if you had the knowledge, intuition and awareness that would let you strengthen the connection and attraction you both felt… AND would actually lead or “guide” a man to do the same with you? What if you knew you wouldn't ever have to try and “carry” a relationship again and do all the heavy emotional lifting yourself?
I think you know from past experience that the common relationship scenario where the woman does all the work and the guy remains un-invested, indecisive, and almost indifferent to the needs of a relationship is not how lasting relationships survive and GROW.
But if you're like lots of other women, then unfortunately you've done what felt like all the work in your past relationships anyways, just to try and keep things alive and get back to a better and more loving place.
It's time to break the pattern.
The funny thing is that once you learn to do WHAT WORKS instead, you'll find that you can actually DO LESS in a relationship and GET MORE back.
You've just got to find the right places to focus your time, thoughts and energy with a man and then everything will almost magically fall into place as nature works for you, not against you.
For example, what if you knew that all the potential for love and passion between you and a man could be yours, and you were CERTAIN that any relationship you decided to create with a man would not only keep you feeling happy and connected, but could survive all the common “relationship trials” where most men close off or leave - like after the "honeymoon stage” ends?
Would it change how you date or the way you approach relationships? Would it make you feel more confident and comfortable? Would it prevent you from accepting manipulative or negative behavior from men and guide you to a better love life?
Well, unfortunately, there's some bad news here too. (Thankfully, not for you and me.) Tons of women will go their WHOLE LIVES carrying these horrible fears and patterns above. You probably even know a few women like this.
Next time you're out for the day, look around at some of the women around you… you'll notice that some women have this aura about them of “there's no way that I'll let a man get close and connect again.”
Many of these women have actually stopped paying much attention to what's happening in the world around them in terms of love and connection. They have that “I haven't felt loved, appreciated or connected with a man in years” look and feeling around them… So it's no surprise that they've completely stopped being open to the men around them - and vice versa.
If you're a more spiritual woman, then you understand that these women's “feminine energy” and awareness is all but dead.
But there's good news here too…
It is possible (and not too hard) to “re-learn” how to naturally attract a great guy for something more than a short fling.
And it is possible to easily overcome the common types of resistance and roadblocks that men have to committed relationships… even if you don't look like a super model (or have her budget or wardrobe).
The really good news is that IF YOU DECIDE THAT MAKING LOVE WORK FOR YOU IS SOMETHING YOU WANT TO LEARN, and then you TAKE THE STEPS towards awareness and learn it, you can get back to being the confident, assured, and naturally feminine and radiant woman that draws great guys to you…
That way, you won't ever have to worry about ending up thinking that you'll never have real love in your life… and become so completely frustrated and unsatisfied with men and relationships that you resign yourself to the opinion that it's OK to be alone forever.
Don't put yourself on the path of a woman who, out of pain and fear, has accepted for herself a loveless life, and a permanently disconnected and lonely heart.

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